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關於 OC2S

2016年創立,OC2S 原是一家以香港為本的獨立音樂品牌。早期業務以舉辦音樂會演出為主,亦有舉辦市集、電影放映,以及不同類型的展覽等活動,旨在推廣具自主精神的音樂以及文化產業。鑑於線下活動講求現場體驗的本質,為擴張能夠與觀眾交流的層面,於2020年5月改組成立OC2S Media,以報導音樂資訊及評論為主的全新獨立音樂文化媒體,目標是引領以香港為主的讀者觀眾群認識音樂作為一門文化,也作為一門產業的更多面向。

about OC2S

Founded in 2016, OC2S was originally a Hong Kong-based independent music brand. The early stage of the business was mainly concerts, but also fairs, film screenings and exhibitions of various types, with the aim of promoting the independent music and cultural industries. Given the offline activities is all about on-site experience and be able to communicate with the audience, in May 2020, OC2S has now expanded and rebuild as OC2S Media , to communicate with audience with new independent music and culture, our goal is to guide Hong Kong audiences to learn different facets of music as well as its industry.

images by @ifathenb_athereforeb, OC2S

text by OC2S, unun